Complementary Therapy
Complementary therapies are a range of therapeutic treatments that work alongside the conventional medicine that you receive from your doctor to support your wellbeing. A Complementary Therapist practises holistically and therefore takes into account symptoms of the mind and body and will consider all aspects of an individual’s lifestyle, including diet and work life balance.
Many people use remedial massage therapies to support a huge variety of health concerns from debilitating headaches, the draining effects of anxiety and stress, and helping to cope with the emotional and physical symptoms relating to prolonged illness of Cancer and Cancer treatment.
The benefits of Complementary Therapies have become more widely recognised in recent years and are used in a variety of different healthcare settings to assist our mind and the body’s natural performance, by helping us to relax and unwind enabling restoration and a feeling of being better.
Quality of life is one of the most important aspects to living, particularly as many people live busy lives, getting the balance right helps us to feel in control of our life and therefore reduces unnecessary worry and potential symptoms of stress or dis-ease.
Benefits of Complementary Therapy
- Helps to deepen and slow breathing
- Aids effective digestion through relaxation
- Stimulates brain activity
- Helps rid the body of unwanted toxins and waste
- Improves tone to muscles and nerves
- Smooths body contours
- Removes dead skin cells providing the skin with a beautiful natural glow
Personalised treatments
Treatments are always created just for you and there are many variations to choose from. I will help you to select a style of massage, whether it is beautifully invigorating or deeply relaxing. All elements combined create a unique experience to help calm and uplift the mind and soothe or enliven the body’s senses and therefore support a feeling of being well.
All of my treatments are tailored to how you are feeling on the day. Using an eclectic style of massage techniques as well as incorporating hand blended plant essences. A treatment can easily fit around your lifestyle at any time of day, whether it is for general relaxation at the end of the day, helping to relieve tired aching muscles after physical activity or to help with emotional concerns.
There are considerable benefits of using Complementary Therapies, primarily as remedies to concentrate your mind on switching off for a while and to give you some well-earned time out.
In turn these types of treatments will help you to feel rested and may help you to manage aspects of your life, to achieve a better balance. Complementary Therapies are comforting and soothing to the mind and body and this in turn can be invigorating and help you to feel refreshed.
Psychological benefits include, calming and uplifting the mood which enhances the feeling of wellbeing and aids general relaxation. Massage can help to alleviate lethargy, irritability and tiredness, giving a sense of renewed energy. Some of the physical benefits associated with complementary therapies are pain relief from types of common conditions like generalised muscular aches and strains.
Massage increases blood circulation to all parts of the body, increasing relief of stiffness in joints and ease of mobility. A sluggish lymphatic circulation can be boosted to support effective functioning to assist the body’s immune system.
Your first treatment
This will include a consultation free of charge to inform you about your chosen treatment and to allow me to learn a little about you. We will create a treatment plan together which will be reviewed after your sessions. I practise in a Holistic way and consider all aspects of your life to support your wellbeing; therefore we will discuss medical history as well as diet and lifestyle. Everything that is discussed during your appointments is fully confidential.
I work from home in a safe, peaceful and relaxed environment and your comfort and care is my priority. Home visits can be arranged for small groups of people and for clients who may have difficulty getting out. Additional charges may apply for me to travel longer distances from my base and this will be discussed and agreed prior to my visit. All treatments offered can be adapted or mixed in any way to suit your personal requirements.